The mission of the Centennial High School athletic program is to provide opportunity for students to develop mental, physical, and social skills to help prepare them for situations and challenges they may meet throughout their lives.
The Centennial High School athletic program philosophy is to provide an atmosphere wherein student athletes are encouraged to reach their maximum potential. Heavy emphasis will be placed upon the individual’s sportsmanship, character, and leadership development with the guidance of qualified personnel.
The varsity head coaches have major responsibilities that accompany their assigned coaching duties. Some additional responsibilities may be inherent in individual programs for various coaches.
Exercise complete responsibility and overall control for all levels of programs under his/her supervision. Assure that there is continuity from grade 7 (or 9 if applicable) through grade 12. This includes varsity, reserve, freshman, and junior high teams.
Assign duties and responsibilities of assistant and junior high coaches working in his/her athletic program.
Keep organization practice sessions within school guidelines and inform the athletic director of weekly and holiday practice sessions
Accept responsibility for proper care and storage of equipment used in his/her program.
Complete an annual inventory of equipment and submit a request for new equipment, reconditioning, and supplies necessary for the following year.
With the input of subordinates submit a program evaluation to the athletic director/principal at the conclusion of the season and make recommendations for program improvements.
In conjunction with his/her subordinates plan for any program adjustments after his/her evaluation by the principal. File this plan with the athletic director and principal within 30 days of the last interscholastic activity.
Provide supervision of practice sessions, locker rooms, show rooms, weight room, and training room areas.
Maintain appropriate records of the program and submit them to the athletic director.
Attend at least one coaching clinic or continuing education opportunity annually.
Assure that the entire coaching staff knows and abides by the rules in the State Activities Associations Handbook.
See that each student athlete had take a physical examination,has a parental permission slip on file, and has adequate insurance coverage as specified by N.S.A.A. rules and local procedures.
Give appropriate attention to teaching techniques which reduce athletic injuries, and, when injuries do occur, follow a prescribed routine, maintain good communication with parents and medical personnel, and keep the school administration informed of serious injuries.
Have complete responsibility for the actions and conduct of players and coaches whenever they are under his/her supervision.
Work with the principal in developing departure times for trips that involve loss of school time.
Submit a list of letter award winners to the athletic director at the conclusion of the respective sports season.
Take appropriate action to insure that shower rooms, locker rooms, and play areas are clean and safe for athletic participants.
2024-2025 Coaches:
Activities Director: | Jenny Wagner |
Athletic Trainer: | Ryan Townsend |
Concessions: | Nicole Klanecky & Vicky Prochaska |
Head Coach: | Riley Ostendorf |
Assistant Coach: | Craig Barjenbruch |
Assistant Coach: | Barry Eitzmann |
Volunteer Coach: | Wyatt Ehlers |
Volunteer Coach: | Justin Heine |
Jr. High Football
Head Coach: | Mark Ortmeier |
Assistant JH: | Phil Payne |
Assistant JH: | Jordan Ortmeier |
Head Coach: | Alex Anstine |
Assistant Coach: | Drew Rodine |
Volunteer Coach: | Keshia Ford |
Jr. High Volleyball
Head Coach: | McKenna Kucera |
Assistant Coach: | Kelly Jo Everson |
Head Coach: | Tori Homolka |
Assistant Coach: | Edith Stutzman |
Assistant Coach: | Billy Baugh |
Cross Country
Head Coach: | Rob Johansen |
Assistant Coach: | Emma Dannehl |
Head Coach: | Phil Payne |
Assistant Coach: | Wayne Heine |
Assistant/Girls Wrestling: | Vickie Prochaska |
Jr. High Wrestling
Head Coach/HS Asst.: | Ryan Payne |
Assistant HS/JH Coach: | Ruger Reimers |
Girls Basketball
Head Coach: | Eric Kloke |
Assistant Coach: | Mark Ortmeier |
Jr. High Girls Basketball
Head Coach: | Tori Homolka |
Assistant Coach: | Natalie Sloup |
Boys Basketball
Head Coach: | Cameron Scholl |
Assistant Coach: | Craig Barjenbruch |
Assistant Coach: | Jordan Ortmeier |
Volunteer Coach: | Stan Erks |
Jr. High Boys Basketball
Head Coach: | Barry Eitzmann |
Assistant Coach: | Wyatt Ehlers |
Head Coach: | Rob Johansen |
Assistant Coach: | Drew Rodine |
Assistant Coach: | Emma Dannehl |
Assistant Coach: | Carson Farr |
Assistant Coach: | Austin Stuhr |
Jr. High Track
Head Boys Coach: | Mark Ortmeier |
Assistant Boys Coach: | Evan Klanecky |
Head Girls Coach: | Jennifer Bargen |
Assistant Girls Coach: | Linda Rafert |
Head Coach: | Cameron Scholl |
Head Coach | Riley Ostendorf |
Assistant Coach | Michael Hoppes |
Assistant Coach: | Phil Payne |
Unified Bowling
Head Coach: | Nikki Klanecky |
Head Coach: | Natalie Sloup |
Head Coach: | Megan Crawford |
Head Coach: | Jessica Breitkreutz |