January 30, 2019
Kalten Bauers 12 Honor Roll Q2 Cody Bender 12 Honor Roll Q2 Quinn Butzke 12 Honor Roll Q2 Caleb Cast 12 Honor Roll Q2 Lilly Cast 12 Honor Roll...

November 15, 2018
First Name
Last Name
Grade Honor Roll Level
November 9, 2018
Centennial students, staff, and patrons honored area veterans today at the annual Veterans Day program held in the Centennial Performing Arts Center. The Centennial Band and Chor...

August 14, 2018
The one-to-one Chromebook initiative was kicked off with the parent and student meeting on the evening of August 13th. If you are the parent of a Centennial 9-12 student and were...

August 3, 2018
The Centennial Booster Club is a non-profit organization composed of parents, staff, alumni, businesses, and fans. The purpose of this organization is to give moral and financial ...
August 1, 2018
The latest issue of The Stockholder is available for download and reading here:
July 27, 2018
Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Board of Education of Centennial Public School, District 67-R, will be held at 8:00 p.m. on the 9th day of August 2018 , in t...
June 28, 2018
Our Wellness Policy Team has developed a plan which addresses the school meal program, nutrition education, physical activity and foods available during the school day. We encour...